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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

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History of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary by J ohn A. Tilley
Department of History - East Carolina University

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USCG Temporary Reserves      1942-1945

USCG Auxiliary               1945-1969 

A history compiled from newspapers and documents   

Collected by James L. Williams, SM 3c

 Complied by Vernon A. Clarkson, USCG Auxiliary, Flotilla 201 

The history of Flotilla 201 began on November 13, 1942, when the unit was formed during World War II. Initially the unit had three members and was known as Flotilla 201 of the United States Coast Guard Temporary Reserve. All members were volunteers who served with neither pay nor uniform allowance. Members were scheduled for duty as their time allowed. Each member could resign from the duty at any time, but it is to their credit that most put in hundreds of duty hours. Some members gave 5000 hours during the war years from 1942 to 1945.

In the ensuing years the membership roll increased until, in June 1944, there were 529 active members. Before the mustering out of the unit on June 26, 1945, approximately 800 active members were on duty.

The duties of the volunteers increased as their membership, skills and proficiency increased. In 1942 members were asked to assist the Coast Guard in waterfront security. They usually patrolled on foot in civilian clothes armed with a web belt and a nightstick. By December 1942, all waterfront guard duties were assigned to the Temporary Reserve.

In April of 1944 the reserves formed a 16, member band which grew to 30 plus members. The band was active in parades, military functions and entertainments.  All of this was at members’ time and expense.

At the mustering out ceremony on September 13, 1945, the unit’s commanding officer, Lt. Frank Soule, said, “You built this organization into a dependable and loyal unit which, more than any of you will ever know, helped to back the men on the fighting fronts and bring this war to a successful and early termination.”

Members of the Temporary Reserve were given the privilege of being disenrolled or to continue on inactive status. Most elected inactive status, and they formed part of the USCG Auxiliary.

It should be noted that the Flotilla was first called "Flotilla 201" and was so at the time the history pages were written.

Links to more history items are on the menu.   This page is the History Home page.

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Additional written history of Casco Bay Flotilla can be found on our "Flotilla Publication" page's  "Meeting Notice/News Letters"

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