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History Notes 1961-1969

Collected by James L. Williams, SM 3c

 Complied by Vernon A. Clarkson, USCG Auxiliary, Flotilla 201


1.       More Bermuda cruises available aboard the cutters Humbolt, Casco, Bottataria, Yakutat, Duane or Coos Bay.

2.        George Rodick, a former member of the Temporary Reserves, died.


1962 No report



1.        The auxiliary is directed to wear nametags.  Khaki uniforms may still be worn.

2.        Harraseeket Flotilla 202 at Freeport celebrated charter night.

3.      Thirty-day mourning period for John Kennedy. All sports events, honors, ceremonies and official entertainment cancelled.



1.        Flotilla 202, Freeport, had the first vessel with signboards.

2.        Flotilla 201 plans a ladies night.

3.      Thirty-day mourning period for John Kennedy. All sports events, honors, ceremonies and official entertainment cancelled.



1.         Auxiliary to fill in gaps left by vessels and personnel sent to Vietnam.


1.        The following shows enrollment in PIC classes:

Flotilla 201——102

Flotilla 202——154



1.        There shall be state registration of all motorboats.

2.        Capacity plates are required for all vessels under 26 ft.

3.        Flotilla 202 has Hugo Schmidt as Commander and W. Russell Edwards as FVC.

4.       There were 8000 fewer CMBE’s in 1965. People were refusing to examine boats under the rapidly changing ground rules, particularly in the ventilation program. The measuring with a tape of the size of cowls, louvers, clamshells and other ventilation hardware was not popular with Auxiliarists.

5.        Forty-people passed a Flotilla 201 BQ class.

6.        The Coast Guard is transferred from the Treasury Dept. to the Department of Transportation.

7.        The new blue uniforms are available but khaki may still be worn.

8.         Flotilla 201 has twenty new members, a 50% increase, and has a 260% increase in CMBE’s.

9.         The Coast Guard will not sanction CB radios.



1.        Flotilla 201 won the Hastings Award for the most outstanding flotilla in 1967.

2.        As of July 1968, instructor candidates must pass the examination with an 80% or better score.



1.        Group commander John Dexter conducted a SAR seminar.

2.        Fees for PIE classes: One lesson course—$1.00, three lesson course—$2.O0, and all others, $3.00.

3.         In 1967 Project AIM had 143 candidates.

4.        The Coast Guard will not participate in monitoring CB radio


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