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Forms and Manuals

For more information or questions contact:

 Flotilla Staff Officer - Materials 

This page is in 6 sections.

1. Links to Forms Most Used By Membership

2. Forms that are not available on the National Forms Website.

3.  Instructions for using Regular Forms that are on the National Forms Website.

4.  Instructions for using Emailable Forms  that are on the National Forms Website.

5. List of links including a link to Manuals.

6. Additional comments.

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Links to Form Most Used By Membership
Links to forms below are in three categories:

1. Forms that can be filled in and submitted on line.
2. Forms that can be filled out on line but cannot be submitted on line.
3. Forms that need to be printed and filled out by hand.

There is one catch in using these forms.  The National server must be up an running to use these forms.  If the national server is down or goes down while you are filling out the form it will not work or get processes when you hit the button to send the form. It is strongly urged that you do a "Save As" first to your computer before hitting the button to send it.

National Forms Page
Auxiliary Manuals
Flotilla Staff Officer's Report Form
Online Order Form
District 1NR Form Flow
(Please note that Auxiliary fill in forms will not work using Firefox, Chrome or any web browsers that has their own version of Adobe reader. These platforms are not compatible with Auxiliary fill in forms.)

National Form Warehouse

These Forms can be filled out and submitted online
CGAuxA-10 - CGAuxA, Inc Consent to Membership (Fill and Print) CGAux-10
7001 - Enrollment Application - With Instructions (Fill and Print) 7001
7012 - Vessel Safety Check - Complete From (Print and Fill) 7012
7012A - Paddle Craft Vessel Safety Check -Complete Form (Print and Fill) 7012-A
7028 Webform - Change of Member Information - (With Instructions) 7028
 7028 - Change of Member Information - With Instructions (Fill and Print) 7028
7029 - Webform How To  Instructions For Online Keeping 7029
7029 Member Activity With Instructions And Worksheet (Fill and Print) 7029
7029 Member Activity Instructions And Worksheet (Fill and Print) 7029
7030 - Activity Report - Mission (Fill and Send)


7030 - Activity Report - Mission With Instructions (Fill and Send) 7030
7038 - Activity Report - Recreational Vessel Examinations (Fill and Send) 7038
7039 - Workshop Mission & Attendance Report (Fill and Print) 7039
7046 - RBS Visitation Report - With Instructions (Fill and Print) 7046
7046 - RBS Visitation Report - With Instructions (Fill and Send) 7046
7056 - Member Transfer Request (Fill and Print) 7056
 Forms that say Fill and Print means you can fill them from your computer and print them out but you will have to send them by USPS Mail
Forms that say Print and fill you need to print the form out and then fill it out and send by USPS Mail  
Forms that say File and Sent can be sent online  

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All Forms and Manual Links below this point will open in a new window.  When you are finished with that link  just close the window  to return to this website.

Regular Forms that are on the National Forms Website

Most of the information that follows is also on the National Forms Website.   Some additional information has been added to help member navigate the National Forms Website.

Coast Guard Auxiliary's National Forms Site contains the most recently released versions of Auxiliary forms.

 Many of the forms provide fill-in capability, and some include new printing and numeric totaling features.

A left click on the Adobe icon after the form title will open the form in a new window to fill out and print.    

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Links to:

Auxiliary Form Warehouse

PDF  Forms Page

E-Forms Page

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Emailable Forms

In order to use the forms links on this page, you must *right* click on the form number and choose Save Link As and choose where you want to save it to. Next you should open the form with Adobe Acrobat Reader.  As mentioned above Auxiliary fill in forms will not work using Firefox, Chrome or any web browsers that has their own version of Adobe reader. These platforms are not compatible with Auxiliary fill in forms. You need to open them in Adobe.


For online forms that you can send online you may send to multiple addressees your reports; simply add a comma (,) between addresses. For example, to send to aux1@cgaux.org and coasty@isp.com, by entering "aux1@cgaux.org, coasty@isp.com" (without the quotation marks).  You need a space between the comma and the next email address for it to work.  

If you choose to send a copy to yourself and add your email address to send and you have a Spam filter running or have AOL as your service provider you will not get a copy.  

The best thing to do is print a copy before sending so that you know you have a copy.

If you have difficulties, please report them using the National Help Desk on the national website.

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Links to:

Auxiliary Form Warehouse

Forms Website FAQ page

Auxiliary Manuals

Auxiliary Manual (AuxMan) M16790.1G

National Help Desk


Additional Comments

It should be noted that members can also get printed copies of all  Auxiliary forms by requesting them from FSO/MA

Most Auxiliary Manuals are posted on the Auxiliary Manuals webpage.  If you cannot find a manual on the website referenced above,  you may try  contacting the specific Department responsible for the subject area covered by the particular manual(s) in which you are interested. 

District 1 NR Forms & Publications Site has Auxiliary forms available that  are intended for use within District 1NR only.  


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Auxiliary Manual    M16790.1G

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